“If God Had Commanded Me to Do All Things I Could Do Them”

K. Douglas Bassett
(refer in this text to 1 Ne. 3:7; Manchester Conference Report, Aug. 1971, pp. 101-103)
“God revealed to Nephi the necessity of building a ship. The means were not within his reach, but he felt it was right to build, and with that knowledge he proceeded to find the way to make the tools and to build the ship. Did he make mistakes? Did he falter? No doubt,—else why did his murmuring brothers say: ‘We told you you could not build a ship; we knew you did not have the wisdom.’ But he knew he was right, and he knew that God would strengthen him in building. That thought held him; it supported him; and he succeeded in the task before him. So it is with us; when we are asked to do a thing, the question in our minds should be: Is that necessary; is that right? If so, then it shall be done, and God will open the way.” (David O. McKay, Conference Report, Apr. 1909, p. 68)
“Half obedience will be rejected as readily as full violation, and maybe quicker, for half rejection and half acceptance is but a sham, an admission of lack of character, a lack of love for Him. It is actually an effort to live on both sides of the line.” (Mark E. Petersen, Ensign, May 1982, p. 16)

Latter-Day Commentary on the Book of Mormon
