1 Nephi 16:35 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
and we have suffered much [afflictions 01|affliction ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] hunger thirst and fatigue

The 1830 typesetter replaced the plural afflictions with the singular affliction, probably because he expected the singular after the determiner much. The following singulars (hunger, thirst, and fatigue) may have also influenced this change in number.

The plural afflictions is probably correct. First of all, it is supported by the plural afflictions found earlier in the verse:

Note, by the way, that Oliver Cowdery initially wrote the singular affliction in 𝓞, which he immediately corrected to the plural.

More importantly, there are a number of other cases of “much afflictions” in the text, as well as “many afflictions” and “much affliction”. In a few cases, textual variation has also occurred:

many afflictions (eight times)

much affliction (four times)

much afflictions (three times, including 1 Nephi 16:35)

Two observations about the textual variation should be made. First, there has actually been a tendency to change “much affliction” to “much afflictions”: namely, in 1 Nephi 17:1, where Oliver Cowdery initially wrote afflictions in 𝓟 but immediately corrected his error by erasing the plural s; and in Helaman 3:34, where the 1840 typesetter seems to have accidentally set afflictions. This second change persisted in the RLDS text until the third RLDS edition (1908).

Second, we observe that in the last example listed above (the second occurrence in Alma 7:5), the 1852 LDS edition changed the plural afflictions to the singular, which has continued in all subsequent LDS editions. (Note, however, that the first occurrence of “much afflictions” in that verse was left unchanged.) The plural should be restored not only in 1 Nephi 16:35 but also in Alma 7:5.

Summary: Based on the earliest textual sources, restore “much afflictions” in 1 Nephi 16:35 and at the end of Alma 7:5; the same expression occurs earlier in Alma 7:5, but this instance of “much afflictions” has never been edited to the singular.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 1
