“What Writing Was It That Made Everyone Fear and Tremble Exceedingly”

Bryan Richards

Nephi never tells us the meaning of the writings on the Liahona. He does explain that his father and just about everyone in the group 'did fear and tremble exceedingly' when they read what was written on the ball. This suggests that it was a warning or punishment from the Lord. It is possible that the reason they wandered in the wilderness for 8 years instead of traveling directly to the promised land was because of their murmuring at this time. Alma hints that this was the case:

'They were slothful, and forgot to exercise their faith and diligence and then those marvelous works cease, and they did not progress in their journey;

Therefore, they tarried in the wilderness, or did not travel a direct course, and were afflicted with hunger and thirst, because of their transgressions…our fathers were slothful to give heed to this compass' (Alma 37:41-43).

