“The Remnant of Our Seed Know That They Are of the House of Israel”

Brant Gardner

In the last days the “remnant of our seed” will be restored to a true understanding of their heritage. They will know that they are of the house of Israel, and will understand what that means for their spiritual future. The most important part of this restoration of understanding will be that they recover their “knowledge of the gospel of their Redeemer” (v. 14). The grafting back onto the true olive tree is this return to the religious understanding that they had when they were part of Lehi’s family.

Variant: For verse 16, the original manuscript reads, “yea they shall be numbered again among the house of Israel.” Oliver Cowdery appears to have misread numbered and written remembered, which reading has been in all subsequent editions. Skousen notes that the Book of Mormon consistently numbers people as members of the group and finds thirty-two supporting examples. The evidence of this transcription error also allows for the similar correction in Alma 1:24. (See commentary on that verse.)

Second Witness: Analytical & Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 1
