“The Lord God Would Raise Up a Messiah”

D. Kelly Ogden, Andrew C. Skinner

Lehi and his sons prophesied plainly of the Holy One who would come six hundred years after their departure from Jerusalem. To be sure their message was unequivocally clear, they labeled and described him using several divine titles: prophet, Messiah, Savior, Redeemer, Lamb of God, Lord, and Son of God.

“The Book of Mormon prophets often made reference to ‘God’ or ‘the Lord’ without any indication of whether Elohim or Jehovah was intended. [Verse 4] has obvious reference to the fact that Elohim our Father (here designated ‘the Lord God’) would raise up and send his Only Begotten Son (Jesus Christ, also sometimes designated as ‘the Lord God’). Elder Bruce R. McConkie taught: ‘Most scriptures that speak of God or the Lord do not even bother to distinguish the Father from the Son, simply because it doesn’t make any difference which God is involved. They are one. The words or deeds of either of them would be the words and deeds of the other in the same circumstance. Further, if a revelation comes from, or by the power of the Holy Ghost, ordinarily the words will be those of the Son, though what the Son says will be what the Father would say, and the words may thus be considered as the Father’s.’ (‘Our Relationship with the Lord,’ [1982 Brigham Young University Fireside and Devotional Speeches, Provo: Utah, BYU Publications, 1982], p. 101).” 21

Verse by Verse: The Book of Mormon: Vol. 1
