“Their Manner of Dress Was Exceedingly Fine”

Brant Gardner

Narrative analysis: The most interesting part of this part of the vision is the detail that "their manner of dress was exceedingly fine." The people in the building are wealthy, and carry the trappings of earthly power. The theme of the wealthy of the earth disdaining the things of God is an old one, and is repeated here. The purpose is not to condemn the wealthy, but to separate wealth and earthly acclaim from the essential elements which will bring one to the tree.

The theme of the rich/gospel dichotomy often continues with the difficulty of the rich have in accepting the gospel. This is probably the function of the pointing of the fingers. Christ often pointed out that those who perform for the accolades of the world will have their reward of the world. These are they who develop their own rules, and disdain those who do not follow their path. The finely dressed men and women are appropriate to the symbolic function of this building in the vision.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
