“Laman and Lemuel Would Not Partake of the Fruit”

Alan C. Miner

According to the analysis of Stela 5 by Wells Jakeman, two of the four persons seated in front of the old man have their backs to the Tree of Life. The first (fig. #5) is seated directly in front of the old man (the logical position of the eldest son in such an episode as that recorded in the Book of Mormon. He wears a high pointed turban that has a pendant neck cloth at the back, and is seated apparently cross-legged oriental-fashion with his mouth open and hands extended as though discussing something with the old man. One should observe that this person, as well as the other figure with his back to the tree (fig. #6), are the two smallest of the six seated persons; just as we might expect Nephite artists to portray Laman and Lemuel. The second person (fig. #6) also wears a turban like the first. These turbans closely resemble a type of turban or headdress often worn in the southwestern Asiatic homeland of the Book of Mormon peoples, in its having a pendant neck cloth at the back. [Wells Jakeman, Stela 5, Izapa, pp. 28-29]

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
